Royal Beginning
Placeholder - midi
Abbreviated Beginning (Common Parish Use)
Placeholder - midi
Lesser Doxology (Usually Only Sung at Christmas Vigil)
Placeholder - midi
Six Psalms
Great Litany
See Litanies page.
God is the Lord (with corresponding Resurrectional Troparion)
Tone 1, Obikhod (Abbr. Greek Chant) - midi
Tone 1, Abbr. Greek Chant (Jordanville Variant) - midi
Tone 1, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 2, Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Tone 2, Modern Moscow Obikhod (Abbr. Kievan Chant) - midi
Tone 2, Wide Harmony, Obikhod - midi
Tone 2, Wide Harmony, Modern Moscow Obikhod - midi
Tone 3, Obikhod (Abbr. Greek Chant) - midi
Tone 3, Obikhod (Alto Melody) - midi
Tone 3, Modern Moscow Obikhod (Abbr. Greek Chant, Trinity-St. Serius Lavra Variant) - midi
Tone 3, Abbr. Greek Chant, after Yaichkov - midi
Tone 4, Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Tone 4, Obikhod (Metropolia Variant) - midi
Tone 4, Abbr. Greek Chant - midi
Tone 4, Abbr. Greek, after Yaichkov - midi
Tone 4, Carpatho-Russian Chant, arr. Kotalik - midi
Tone 4, Carpatho-Russian Chant, after Meholick - midi
Tone 4, Carpatho-Russian Chant, after Margitich - midi
Tone 4, Greek Chant - midi
Tone 4, Moscow Chant - midi
Tone 4, Moscow Chant (Tikhonovsky Variant) - midi
Tone 4, Serbian Chant - midi [just God is the Lord, no Troparion]
Tone 4, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 4, Wide Harmony (Jordanville Variant) - midi
Tone 4, Wide Harmony (Old OCA Variant) - midi
Tone 5, Obikhod (Abbr. Kievan Chant; Soprano Melody) - midi
Tone 5, Obikhod (Lvov Bakhmetev; Alto Melody) - midi
Tone 5, Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 5, Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 5, Kievan Chant (after Ledkovsky) - midi
Tone 5, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 6, Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Tone 6, Obikhod (Alto Melody) - midi
Tone 6, Obikhod (Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Variant) - midi
Tone 6, Lesser Znamenny Chant, after Soloviev - midi
Tone 6, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 7, Obikhod - midi
Tone 7, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 8, Obikhod ('Descending' Style) - midi
Tone 8, Obikhod ('Ascending' Style) - midi
Tone 8, Greek Chant - midi
Tone 8, Kiev Caves Lavra Chant - midi
Tone 8, Pochaev Lavra Chant - midi
Tone 8, Wide Harmony - midi
Dismissal Theotokia
Tone 1, Obikhod (Abbr. Greek Chant) - midi
Tone 1, Abbr. Greek Chant (Jordanville Variant) - midi
Tone 1, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 2, Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Tone 2, Modern Moscow Obikhod (Abbr. Kievan Chant) - midi
Tone 2, Wide Harmony, Obikhod - midi
Tone 2, Wide Harmony, Modern Moscow Obikhod - midi
Tone 3, Obikhod (Abbr. Greek Chant) - midi
Tone 3, Obikhod (Alto Melody) - midi
Tone 3, Modern Moscow Obikhod (Abbr. Greek Chant, Trinity-St. Serius Lavra Variant) - midi
Tone 3, Abbr. Greek Chant, after Yaichkov - midi
Tone 4, Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Tone 4, Obikhod (Metropolia Variant) - midi
Tone 4, Abbr. Greek Chant - midi
Tone 4, Moscow Chant - midi
Tone 4, Moscow Chant (Tikhonovsky Variant) - midi
Tone 4, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 4, Wide Harmony (Jordanville Variant) - midi
Tone 4, Wide Harmony (Old OCA Variant) - midi
Tone 5, Obikhod (Abbr. Kievan Chant; Soprano Melody) - midi
Tone 5, Obikhod (Lvov Bakhmetev; Alto Melody) - midi
Tone 5, Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 5, Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 5, Kievan Chant (after Ledkovsky) - midi
Tone 5, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 6, Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Tone 6, Obikhod (Alto Melody) - midi
Tone 6, Obikhod (Trinity-St. Sergius Lavra Variant) - midi
Tone 6, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 7, Obikhod - midi
Tone 7, Wide Harmony - midi
Tone 8, Obikhod ('Descending' Style) - midi
Tone 8, Obikhod ('Ascending' Style) - midi
Tone 8, Kiev Caves Lavra Chant - midi
Tone 8, Pochaev Lavra Chant - midi
Tone 8, Wide Harmony - midi
Alleluia (in place of 'God is the Lord' at Lenten Matins)
Tone 1, Obikhod - midi
Tone 1, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
Tone 2, Obikhod - midi
Tone 2, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
Tone 3, Obikhod - midi
Tone 3, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
Tone 4, Obikhod - midi
Tone 4, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
Tone 5, Obikhod - midi
Tone 5, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
Tone 6, Obikhod - midi
Tone 6, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
Tone 7, Obikhod - midi
Tone 7, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
Tone 8, Obikhod - midi
Tone 8, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
Saturday, Obikhod - midi
Saturday, to the Common Melody, 'Behold, the Bridegroom' - midi
First Sessional Hymn (in the Tone of the Week)
Placeholder - midi
At the Kathismata
Placeholder - midi
At the Kathismata (Lenten)
Placeholder - midi
Placeholder - midi
By the Waters of Babylon
Placeholder - midi
Resurrectional Evlogitaria
Placeholder - midi
Evlogitaria of the Departed (Memorial Saturdays)
See Memorials page.
Little Litany
See Litanies page.
Resurrectional (Sunday) Hypakoe
Placeholder - midi
Hymns of Ascent (Gradual Antiphons)
Placeholder - midi
From my Youth (1st Gradual Antiphon in the 4th Tone) (Festal Matins)
Placeholder - midi
Matins Prokeimena
Sunday - midi
At the Matins Gospel
Sunday - midi
Having Beheld the Resurrection
Sunday - midi
Psalm 50 [51]
After Psalm 50 (Post-Gospel Stichera)
Placeholder - midi
'Jesus Having Risen' (Final Sunday Post-Gospel Sticheron)
Placeholder - midi
Open to Me the Doors of Repentance (Final Sunday Post-Gospel Stichera, during Lent)
Placeholder - midi
Resurrectional (Sunday) Canons
Placeholder - midi
Daily Canons from the Octoechos
Placeholder - midi
Sessional Hymns of the Canon
Placeholder - midi
Common Katavasiae
Placeholder - midi
Resurrectional (Gospel) Exapostilaria
Placeholder - midi
Daily Exapostilaria
Placeholder - midi
Lenten Hymns of Light
Placeholder - midi
The Praises [Lauds]
Placeholder - midi
Resurrectional (Sunday) Stichera at the Praises
Placeholder - midi
N.B.: In Slavic Use, for Daily and Lenten Matins, we do NOT sing or read the stichera at the Praises from the Octoechos; instead, the stichera from the Octoechos are only used for Sundays, while for Daily and Lenten Matins the Psalms of the Praises are simply read straight through.
However, if there are any special verses (i.e., not from the Octoechos) appointed for Festal or Daily Matins by the Menaion (e.g., the Prefeastal Matins of Christmas), or Lenten Matins from the Triodion (e.g., the Matins of Holy Week), then these stichera ARE sung. These verses can be found on the appropriate pages of the propers section of this website.
Gospel Stichera, at the Glory of the Resurrectional Praises
Placeholder - midi
Resurrectional (Sunday) Theotokion
Placeholder - midi
The Great Doxology
Placeholder - midi
Matins Resurrectional Troparion
Placeholder - midi
Dismissal Theotokia (Daily Matins)
Placeholder - midi
Short Augmented Litany (Beginning with the Triple Response)
See Litanies page.
Litany of Supplication
See Litanies page.
Daily Stichera at the Aposticha
Placeholder - midi
Great Dismissal
Placeholder - midi
Lenten Great Dismissal
Placeholder - midi
See Liturgy page.
Great Dismissal
Placeholder - midi
O Victorious Leader (Sung at the End of the First Hour, at Vigil)
Placeholder - midi
N.B.: In some places, 'O Victorious Leader' is replaced by the Festal Kontakion at Great Feats, and the Prefestal Kontakion during Prefeasts.
Small Dismissal (Sung at the End of the First Hour, at Vigil)
Placeholder - midi