General Pannikhida
—Trisagion [English and Slavonic]:
Obikhod - midi
—Funereal Great Litany:
Obikhod - midi
Znamenny Chant - midi
Smolensky - midi
—Trisagion Prayers and Psalm 90 [91]:
—Alleluia & Troparia of the Departed:
Obikhod - midi
19th Century Use - midi
—Funereal Evlogitaria:
Obikhod - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed:
Obikhod - midi
Znamenny Chant - midi
—Sessional Hymn, 'Give Rest with the Just', Tone 5:
Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev, Alto Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Jordanville Variant) - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
—Psalm 50 [51]:
—Pannikhida Canon:
Obikhod, Full Canon - midi
Obikhod, Irmosi - midi
Obikhod, Irmosi (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Funereal Refrains at the Canon [English & Slavonic]:
OCA Obikhod - midi
OCA Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Émigré Obikhod - midi
Obikhod, arr. Kotalik - midi
Obikhod, arr. Kotalik (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed (after Ode 3):
See above: Little Litany of the Departed.
—Sessional Hymn of the Canon (after Ode 3):
Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Alto Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Modern Moscow Obikhod) - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant (Archm. Matfei) - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed (after Ode 6):
See above: Little Litany of the Departed.
—Kontakion and Ikos of the Departed, 'With the Saints' (after Ode 6):
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (with Corrected Text) - midi
Tikhonovsky (Alto Melody) - midi
Tikhonovsky (Alto Melody, with Corrected Text) - midi
Tikhonovsky (Soprano Melody) - midi
Tikhonovsky (Soprano Melody, with Corrected Text) - midi
—Magnification Refrain (after Ode 8):
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Trisagion Prayers:
—Supplicatory Troparia of the Departed, 'With the Souls of the Righteous Departed':
OCA/Metropolia Obikhod - midi
OCA/Metropolia Obikhod (Wide Harmony) - midi
Émigré Obikhod - midi
Moscow Chant (Tikhonovsky) - midi
Carpatho-Russian Chant - midi
—Litany of the Departed [English and Slavonic]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Wide Harmony) - midi
Arkhangelsky - midi
Znamenny Chant - midi
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Wide Harmony) - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
Znamenny Chant - midi
—Memory Eternal [English and Slavonic]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Obikhod (Wide Harmony) - midi
Galician Chant - midi
Carpatho-Russian Chant - midi
—Pious Additions [English and Slavonic]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Obikhod (Wide Harmony) - midi
Litiya of the Departed (Short Memorial, often Served at the Dimissal of Liturgy)
—Supplicatory Troparia of the Departed, 'With the Souls of the Righteous Departed':
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Litany of the Departed:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Kontakion and Ikos of the Departed, 'With the Saints' [Low Russian/Carpatho-Russia Usage]:
See General Pannikhida section above.
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Memory Eternal:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Pious Additions:
See General Pannikhida section above.
Funeral of a Layman
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Trisagion Prayers and Psalm 90 [Often Ommitted]:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Psalm 118 [119], Stasis I:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Psalm 118 [119], Stasis II:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Psalm 118 [119], Stasis III:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Funereal Evlogitaria:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Little Litany of the Departed:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Sessional Hymn, 'Give Rest with the Just':
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Psalm 50 [51]:
—Funeral Canon for a Layman, Odes 1-3:
Obikhod, with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod, with Émigré Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody), with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed (after Ode 3):
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Sessional Hymn of the Canon (after Ode 3):
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Funeral Canon for a Layman, Odes 4-6:
Obikhod, with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod, with Émigré Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody), with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed (after Ode 6):
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Kontakion and Ikos of the Departed, 'With the Saints' (after Ode 6):
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Funeral Canon for a Layman, Odes 7-9:
Obikhod, with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod, with Émigré Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody), with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
—Stichera for the Departed of St. John of Damascus:
Tone 1, Carpatho-Russian 'Bulgarian' Chant [Sticheron I] - midi
Tone 1, Abbr. Kievan Chant (Alto Melody) - midi
Tone 1, Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
Tone 2, Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 2, Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 3, Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 3, Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 4, Obikhod - midi
Tone 4, Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 5, Carpatho-Russian 'Bulgarian' Chant [Sticheron I] - midi
Tone 5, Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 6, Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 6, Abbr. Kievan Chant (Modern Moscow Obikhod) - midi
Tone 7, Obikhod - midi
Tone 7, Kievan Chant - midi
Tone 8, Carpatho-Russian Chant [Sticheron I] - midi
Tone 8, Obikhod - midi
Tone 8, Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Beatitudes at the Funeral of a Layman:
Carpatho-Russian Chant - midi
Melody: 'My Most Blessed Queen' - midi
Russian Funereal Chant - midi
Znamenny Chant - midi
Carpatho-Russian Use - midi
—Scriptural Lessons:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Prayer of Absolution [ROCOR/High Russian Usage]:
Obikhod - midi
—Litany of the Departed:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Prayer of Absolution [OCA/Low Russian Usage]:
Obikhod - midi
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Memory Eternal:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Pious Additions:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Farewell Stichera at the Last Kiss:
Tone 2, Melody: 'When from the tree...' - midi
Tone 2, Melody: 'When from the tree...' (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Concluding Verses, Tone 6:
Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Alto Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Modern Moscow Obikhod) - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant (Archm. Matfei) - midi
—Processional Trisagion:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Funeral of a Priest
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Trisagion Prayers and Psalm 90 [Often Ommitted]:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Psalm 118 [119], Stasis I:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Little Litany of the Departed
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Psalm 118 [119], Stasis II:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Little Litany of the Departed
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Psalm 118 [119], Stasis III:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Funereal Evlogitaria:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Little Litany of the Departed:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Sessional Hymn, 'Give Rest with the Just':
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Antiphon I of the Hymns of Ascent, Tone 6:
Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Alto Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Modern Moscow Obikhod) - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant (Archm. Matfei) - midi
—Scriptural Lessons, and Prayer I:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Sessional Hymn, 'Today I Depart', Tone 2:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
—Psalm 22 [23]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Troparion, 'Forasmuch as We are Bound', Tone 2 [Often Ommitted]
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
—Scriptural Lessons, and Prayer II:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Antiphon II of the Hymns of Ascent, Tone 2:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
—Psalm 23 [24]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Troparion, 'In Faith, Hope, and Love', Tone 2:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
—Sessional Hymn, 'O our God, Thou Knowest', Tone 5 [Often Ommitted]
Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Jordanville Variant) - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
—Scriptural Lessons, and Prayer III:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Antiphon III of the Hymns of Ascent, Tone 3:
Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
—Psalm 83 [84]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Troparia, 'My Beloved Brethren', Tone 6 [normally sung by Clergy]:
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Scriptural Lessons, and Prayer IV:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Beatitudes at the Funeral of a Priest:
Carpatho-Russian Chant - midi
Melody: 'My Most Blessed Queen' - midi
Russian Funereal Chant - midi
Znamenny Chant - midi
Carpatho-Russian Use - midi
—Scriptural Lessons, and Prayer V:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Psalm 50 [51]:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Funeral Canon for a Priest, Odes 1-3:
Obikhod, with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod, with Émigré Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody), with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed (after Ode 3):
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Sessional Hymn of the Canon (after Ode 3):
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Funeral Canon for a Priest, Odes 4-6:
Obikhod, with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod, with Émigré Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody), with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed (after Ode 6):
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Kontakion and Ikos of the Departed, 'With the Saints', at the Funeral of a Priest (after Ode 6):
Obikhod - midi
Tikhonovsky (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Funeral Canon for a Priest, Odes 7-9:
Obikhod, with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod, with Émigré Obikhod Refrains - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody), with OCA Obikhod Refrains - midi
—Little Litany of the Departed (after Ode 9):
See General Pannikhida section above.
Melody, 'Hearken, ye Women' (2-part) - midi
Melody, 'Hearken, ye Women' (3-part) - midi
Melody, 'Hearken, ye Women' (4-part) - midi
—Praises, and Lesser Doxology:
Obikhod (Lvov-Bakhmetev) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Alto Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Soprano Melody) - midi
Abbr. Kievan Chant (Modern Moscow Obikhod) - midi
Kievan Chant - midi
Kievan Chant (Archm. Matfei) - midi
—Stichera for the Departed of St. John of Damascus:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Psalm 91 [52], and Trisagion Prayers:
—Supplicatory Troparia of the Departed, 'With the Souls of the Righteous Departed'
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Litany of the Departed:
See General Pannikhida section above.
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Memory Eternal:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Pious Additions:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Farewell Stichera at the Last Kiss:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Concluding Verses, Tone 6:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
Propers of Funereal Liturgies [in some places, Funereal Liturgies are offered even for laymen, not just clergy and monastics]
—Troparion and Kotakion at the Little Entrance:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod & Tikhonovsky Kontakion - midi
—Prokeimenon, Alleluia, and Scriptural Lessons [Funeral of Layman]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Prokeimenon, Alleluia, and Scriptural Lessons [Funeral of Monastic]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Prokeimenon, Alleluia, and Scriptural Lessons [Funeral of Priest]:
Obikhod - midi
Obikhod (Soprano Melody) - midi
—Litany of the Departed:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Communion Hymn of the Departed
See Divine Liturgy Page section above.
After the Dimissal of Funereal Liturgies
—Supplicatory Troparia of the Departed, 'With the Souls of the Righteous Departed'
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Litany of the Departed:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Kontakion and Ikos of the Departed, 'With the Saints' [Low Russian/Carpatho-Russia Usage]:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Prayer of Absolution [for a Priest]:
Obikhod - midi
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Memory Eternal:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Pious Additions:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Farewell Stichera at the Last Kiss:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Concluding Verses, Tone 6:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Processional Trisagion [Funeral of Layman or Monastic]:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Irmosi of the Great Canon of St. Andrew of Crete [Processional for the Funeral of a Priest]:
Znamenny Chant, arr. Arkhangelsky - midi
At the Graveside
—Processional Trisagion:
See Funeral of a Layman section above.
—Trisagion Prayers [Almost Always Ommitted]:
—Supplicatory Troparia Troparia of the Departed, 'With the Souls of the Righteous Departed':
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Litany of the Departed:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Kontakion and Ikos of the Departed, 'With the Saints' [Low Russian/Carpatho-Russia Usage]:
See General Pannikhida section above.
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Memory Eternal:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Pious Additions:
See General Pannikhida section above.
—Lowering of the Body and Burial Sticheron, Tone 8 [for Priest/Clergy]:
Carpatho-Russian Chant - midi
—Burial Stichera, Tone 8 [for Choir]:
Carpatho-Russian Chant - midi